Again I love your comments, they are a real confidence booster, but don't hesitate to speak your mind and tell me what you really think or ideas of where it might be cool to see the story go. I'm tough I can take a little criticism. I've had to read some pretty depressing books for AP lately, and I think that it can kinda be seen here. Everything is just, I dunno 'too perfect' I guess, I'm kinda losing interest in my own story. I'm not saying my story sucks or anything, it's just getting like I said 'too perfect'. If you like it that way, I'll incorporate it more often. But seriously, feel free to speak your mind, I would like to improve this story, but I need your help to do so.
Okay, enough ranting about the story and on to the next thing. I don't know if you read the "Sorry not a story update" from October, but I did get 2 puppies, Echo and Fleury. And I did promise to post pictures of them so enjoy! My two dogs that passed away are on the side. Oh, and GO PENS!!!!
Echo is in the first two pictures, the first she has fallen asleep in my lap while I was watching a hockey game, the second, she just fell asleep upside down.

Echo is on the left (the brown one) and Fleury is on the right. They are sisters from the same litter, even though they don't look very much a like. This picture was taken when we first got them, so now they are a lot bigger. I would probably guess that Echo is about 40-45 pounds, and Fleury is 30-35, and they're not even 5 months old yet!
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