Koda is modeled after my dog Pooh. Pooh, was a Newfoundland and the oldest. She was 11 (which is very old for a Newf )when she died, but we did not see it coming. Koda's laid back, rub my tummy personality comes from Poohz.
Flash is the dog that probably has been appearing the most in my story. He is in most aspects my dog Annie. Flash gets just about everything from Annie. His whisper bark, the getting someone up when he's ready to get up, and most definitely all the energy, just about everything he does comes from Annie. Annie was my 4 year old Border Collie whom had been battling cancer since June. She was quite the wonder dog. The vets told us she maybe had a month left in her when they diagnosed her, but she ended up surviving almost 4 months. (and no she wasn't on chemo, she was on a steroid)
Finally, Bran is the dog that everyone wants, and although he is very different from my two girls, I still incorporated some of them in him too. This is mostly shown in his extreme loyalty. My dogs were there at every turn of life for me. My mom commented saying that the only reason Annie lived so long was because she didn't want to leave me. She would only answer to me, and if I was was some where, she was right behind me. In fact, the day before she died, she was very sick and we knew she was going soon, she got up, went to the door, and barked to let me know someone was at the door.
In writing this, I'm not looking for sympathy at all! I just felt that since they are gone now, I need to say how much I loved them and why some of the dogs in the story are the way that they are.
They were a huge part of my life, and made me the person that I am today, more so then anyone besides my parents. And in saying that, they made Caitlin the person she is in the story.
Thanks girls, I'll miss you and always love you.
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