Posted by Aeryn
Posted by Aeryn
WAY TO GO PENS!!!!!!!!
Sid's POV
I can't believe we lost, and to the Leafs of all teams! I take a fast shower, wanting to get out of the arena. Right now I was steaming, we had just lost to the leafs 5-1, AT HOME! Ugh, what the hell happened?! Usually after a loss that was so devastating, I'd be checking out tape with the coach or go in the weight room, but right now I just wanted to leave. I drive home, perhaps a little faster than I should be and pull into the driveway. It was around 11:30, which wasn't too bad for all the interviews I did. Caitlin hadn't gone to my game, Beth had decided to cancel the baby shower because of the robbery, but Beth's sister was still flying in from New York. So Caitlin was trying to get work done in order to take a day off.
As I walk up the porch steps, I find that the house is completely dark, save for the soft glow of the TV. I open the door and let the hockey bag fall from my shoulder next to the coat rack. I see Caitlin look up from the couch. Right now I didn't want her to say anything. I didn't want to hear a "you'll get them next time" or a "what the hell happened," I didn't even want to hear her whisper the word "sorry." I just wanted to go to bed
She approaches me and I stare at her, warning that I am not in the mood.
"I just want to go to bed," I growl at her.
She frowns, and just stares at me. Not in fright, like some of the other girls I've been with have done, but in understanding. However, I can see that she is a little pissed at me for being so hostile toward her.
"Fine," she says in an equal tone,"I'll be up in a little bit.
I trudge up the stairs and basically rip off my constraining clothes, my strangling tie being the first thing to go. I crawl into bed in my boxers, still fuming. I tear the covers off of myself and stomp back down stairs. Maggie moves to greet me, but I push past her.
"Move Maggs," I growl shoving her a little harder than needed out of my way.
"Hey!" I hear her snap at me.
"What?" I turn, to challenge, I see that the dogs that are usually surrounding her have slinked off into the living room. All the dogs except for Bran that is. He stands by her side, adding to the wild look she is now sporting.
"Look, I know your pissed, but you never take it out on the dogs!" she growls.
"Whatever," I grumble going to the kitchen to find something to drink. I open the refrigerator as she closes in on me, Bran having left her side.
"Not whatever Crosby, you don't do it!" she says looking up at me. I can see in the light of the refrigerator her eyes have turned that reddish brown color. I should have known better than to mess with the dogs in any fashion. It would have been better for me to stay in bed.
I look at her as she glares up at me, her eyes hold a heat to them and her mouth looks inviting. I actually look at her for the first time since I got home and my breath catches for a moment. She was clad in a tank top and boy shorts, telling me that she was just about to head to bed. I set down the beer I was about to drink on the kitchen and turn to her again. The fire in her eyes had softened a bit, but I could tell she wasn't about to take down her wall anytime soon.
The next thing I know I'm giving into my instincts and pulling her roughly against me, and crashing my mouth down on hers. I hear her inhale in surprise, but easily give into me.
Caitlin's POV
I know he was pissed at how badly they played, hell I was pissed at how badly they played, but when he pushed Maggs away a little harder than he needed to he went to far. Now I watch as he puts his beer down on the counter and looks at me. I tense, trying to contemplate his next move. Suddenly he pulls me against him and before I can respond his mouth is on mine, hot and hungry.
His hands find their way back down to my hips and push my underwear aside to dip a few fingers in. He groans at my readiness and detaches his lips from my neck. His mouth finds mine again in a mind blowing kiss, making me vaguely aware that he has gotten rid of the only clothing that was covering me and his boxers. His hands find my waist again and his finger tips dig into my hips painfully. He picks me up and carries me up to the bedroom never breaking the kiss. He lowers me on to the bed and before I can react I feel his weight on top of me. Without much warning, he thrusts swiftly into me. I bite my lip holding back a moan as he sets the pace. My hands move up his back to feel he muscles that were quivering and slick from sweat under my hands. My muscles clench around him, and he groans quickening the pace.
Usually Sid held himself in check, at least to a degree, but this time that wasn't the case. This was a side I had never seen before, and I must admit, I was a little intimidated, at least I was. I couldn't help but call out his name as he pushed me over he edge, my finger nails digging into his back as I swear I saw an explosion. Almost simultaneously, Sidney releases and moans my name into my neck. He stays on top of me panting just as I am, before rolling off of me and onto the bed. After a few minutes, he pulls me close to him and kisses my shoulder softly. Both of us too exhausted to do anything but sleep.
The Next Day
"Hey, how's Koda?" I ask.
"He's doing really well, he seems to be happy. Caitlin I really can't thank you enough. I just... I feel so much better having Koda around when Zach's not home,"Beth says as she sips a lemonade the waitress has just brought.
"I thought he would. I'm glad he is doing so well, you both deserve it," I smile. I look over Beth's shoulder to see a slim red head walk in. She was a little taller than I was and was pretty fit. She is in the most up to date fashion and her hair had natural looking highlights that you would think were the real thing unless you knew her like I did.
I grin upon seeing her as she takes off her sunglasses and grins back at me.
"Excuse me Ma'am," she says stifling a laugh and tapping on Beth's shoulder.
"Yeah, how can I..." Beth says turning around, "Oh My God!"
"Surprise!" Anna and I both say at the same time.
"How did you get here? What about the kids? I'm so glad to see you!"she says getting up and giving her a hug.
"Well I heard that you canceled the shower and Cait suggested that I still come down here. So I left the kids with Kevin and here I am!" she smiles looking over toward me, "Hey Cait!"
"Hey Anna, you seriously need to move closer," I smile getting up and giving her a hug.
"I know, I know. But New York really fits me. Although you just can't compare it to Pittsburgh," she smiles, "What Bran didn't come with you?"
"Nah, this was a girls lunch, he was perfectly fine staying at home," I say sticking my tongue out at her for the sarcastic comment.
"Oh that's mature," Beth laughs rolling her eyes as Anna sticks her tongue out at me. Leading us all to laughter.
We all sit back down at the table and order, I mean after all you can't keep a pregnant woman hungry.
"So Cait, how are you and Sid?" Anna asks with a smile while cutting into her chicken.
"Good, his parents are leaving tomorrow and ... he's going to move in sometime next week," I say slowly waiting for...
"Oh my God! Your moving in together?!" Anna squeals.
"It's about damn time you two made it official, he basically lives there already!" Beth says in a similar tone.
"Yeah, I know I know... So Anna how are the kids?" I ask trying desperately to change the subject.
"Oh yeah how are Kelsey and Cassie?" Beth asks.
"They're great, probably getting in trouble with their dad. I swear those girls can do no wrong in Kevin's eyes," she smiles.
"And how is the baby Beth? Did you and Zach think of a name for him yet?" Anna asks.
"Yeah we finally settled on Brad," she grins.
"Aww... that's been your favorite name since we were little," I laugh thinking back to all the times we played house. I was the one that always had not only kids but dogs too. Beth was always interested in taking care of us when we played sick. And Anna always was the one that made sure everyone looked pretty. Now I was a dog trainer, Beth was a nurse, and Anna worked at a museum.
"Yeah I know. I finally convinced Zach it was a good name, especially since it had a 'football player' ring to it," she smiles.
"Of course it does," Anna laughs along with me.
"Look at us, we're all grown up and most of us are married and have or are going to have a kid soon," Beth says looking over at me, Anna looks up from her ice tea at me smiling.
"Thank you for pointing that out Mom!" I say rolling my eyes.
"Ouch!"Beth yelps.
"Oh come on Beth, I haven't used that phrase since high school," Anna says laughs.
"No, ouch. I just had a twing of pain," Beth says holding her stomach.
Anna and I look over to each other in surprise.
"Aaah, there's another one," she breaths letting a long breath out.
"Alright, let's get you to the hospital Beth," Anna says getting out of her chair and going over to Beth.
"Umm... Can we have the check over here?" I ask the near by waitress.
"Guys, I'm fine," she says.
"Beth hun you're having contractions, we have to get you to the hospital," Anna says calmly.
"But... but I'm not due for another 2 weeks!" she says her eyes widening in surprise.
"Oh come on Beth your a nurse, you should know that babies come early," I smile.
"I know, but I never really thought about it," she says looking a little panicky.
"Hun, it's going to be fine. Kels was early too, everything will be fine."
"Yeah I was early too," I laugh.
"Probably the only time you ever were early for everything," Beth smiles at me.
"Yeah well..." I grin back.
"Alright, Beth I'll take you to the hospital..." Anna says walking over to her car with Beth.
"But...but... what about Zach?" she asks.
"I'll go get Zach and everything else you need. I'll get him to the hospital and then I can have Sidney pick me up on his way home from practice," I smile walking toward my car.
"Ok hun, just breathe, we'll be there soon," Anna soothes her sister.
I pull out of the parking lot and drive the ten minutes to Beth's house. I knock on the door prompting Koda to let out a warning bark.
'I knew I picked him for a reason,' I smile to myself.
"Koda, it's me." I smile. Immediately he ceases his barking and it turns to an excited whimper.
The door opens to reveal a tall man, blond hair and grey eyes.
"Caitlin what are you doing here? I thought you were having lunch with Beth and Anna," he says confused.
"I was," I say brushing past him and into the house where I briefly greet Koda. "Zach where is all of Beth's stuff she needs when she goes into labor?"
"It's in the bedroom next to the rocking chair, why?" he asks following me into the room.
"Zach, Beth started having contractions when we were eating lunch, Anna took her down to the hospital," I smile up at him as I see him pale and begin to panic.
"But she's not due for another 2 weeks, we had one more baby class to go to," he says almost to the point of hyperventilating.
"Whoa! Hold on there kid, slow down, take a seat," I say lightly pushing him onto the couch after I got Beth's stuff and headed back into the living room.
"Caitlin I'm not sure if I can do this?"
"Do what Zach?" I ask curiously, my head cocking to the one side.
"Be a dad... I mean what if I screw up... what if he doesn't love me...what if..," he begins.
"Hold on there! Zach, you are going to be a great dad! I honestly don't think Beth would have married you if she thought that you didn't want kids. And you are going to screw up, but that's parenthood, everyone screws up but your kid's going to love you. Seriously Zach, you're going to be a great dad!" I say looking him in the eye, "Now let's get you to the hospital and to Beth."
He nods and walks to his car, attempting to get into the drivers seat.
"Whoa, whoa, hold on there speed racer. Your in no condition to drive at the moment. I'll drive you to the hospital in your car, that way you don't have to be wheeled in on a stretcher," I smile pushing him toward the passenger side of the car.
"But I'm going to need my car?" he says looking at me confused yet he obeys and hops in the car.
"I'll have Sid pick me up on his way home from practice, we'll stop by the house and I'll take Koda back to my place, that way you don't have to worry about coming home to let him out or anything," I smile as I pull out of the driveway.
"Ok," Zach says, still looking slightly stunned.
We arrive at the hospital about 20 minutes later.
"Beth's going into labor & I just dropped the daddy to be off @ the hospital. Can u swing by & pick me up on ur way home from pract. ?" I text Sid as we make our way through the doors.
"Hi, umm... Can you tell us where Beth Kelley is? She was brought in a little bit ago having contractions," I ask the nurse at the front desk.
"Are you two friends of the family?"the woman asks with a smile.
"Ummm... yes... I am. But he's the father to be,"I say pointing a thumb at Zach.
"Oh, alright. She just went into room 112, I think she's in there with her sister," the nurse says.
"Thank you!" I smile and pull Zach along to the room. I receive a txt on my search for the room.
"Yeah, sure thing. I'll be there in 15."
I stop infront of room 112's door and look at Zach, who has gotten most of his color back.
"Alright Zach, it's all you now. I'm going to go back home, tell Anna to call me and give Beth a bucket of ice chips for me," I smile giving him a hug.
"Thanks Caitlin, for everything," he smiles. I begin to walk away and he is just about to open the door.
"Oh, and Zach?" I call.
"Good Luck."
He smiles at me before proceeding through the door way and to his wife's side. I smile and walk to the entrance where I grab a magazine to wait.
Half way through the magazine, my phone goes off signalling a call.
"Hey, are you here?" I ask.
"Yup," I hear him smile on the other end.
I see his Range Rover parked in the parking lot adjacent from the hospital entrance. I smile and run across the street getting in the passenger side.
"Well how is she?" he presses as I buckle my seat belt.
"Ok I guess. Zach is a little shaken up though," I grin.
"I can't understand why," he says sarcastically pulling onto the road.
After picking up my car and Koda, I meet Sid back at the house. We decide to watch a movie and today was my pick. Much to Sid's dismay, I picked Father of the Bride II. I mean after all it was pretty fitting.
The movie had finished and we had cooked stir fry for dinner, I was slowing teaching Sid how to cook. Slowly, being the key word, the chicken was well done.
I sigh as I go through the night's routine, not hearing anything about Beth. The dogs went on last outs and they were all ready for bed. I had finished two cups of tea to try to make me sleepy, but I think all they did was make me have to pee.
At midnight, Sid finally had enough and came downstairs.
"Come on babe, I know your anxious to hear something, I am too. But sleeping is the best way to make time fly," he says pulling me into him and kissing shoulder where the tank top I was sporting didn't hit.
"I know," I sigh, "I guess your right, let's go to bed."
I reluctantly crawl in bed next to Sid and snuggle into him. He drapes and arm over my waist and sighs contently. I look to the phone one last time, as if willing it to ring and bring be good news.
"Go to sleep babe," he mumbles against my neck.
"I am, I am," I sigh, "I love you Sidney."
"Love you too babe, now sleep," he murmurs.
Slowly and unwillingly I drift off to sleep, giving into the heat Sid's body was giving off and the comfort of my pillow.
I glance over at the clock, 5:17. It seems like I had just fallen asleep... wait. I suddenly remember and quickly sit up, causing Sid to groan and try and pull me back to him. I brush him off and pick up the phone.
"Hello?" I ask.
"Bradley Robert Kelley, born at 4:26. 9 pounds and 22 inches long," I hear Anna smile into the phone, "Oh and it's a healthy baby boy. But I guess you already knew that."
"That's great. How's Beth?" I ask.
"She's doing great, she's really tired though, but that's understandable," I hear Anna yawn.
"I'd come over now, but I'll give Beth some time to rest. Thanks Anna, go get some sleep," I smile into the phone.
"Mmkay, see you later Cait," she says before hanging up.
I turn around to see Sid looking at me with a smile on his face, he was rested on his arm as he looked at me.
"Well?" he asks in a sexy sleep gravelly voice.
"It's a boy. 9 pounds and 21 inches long," I say unable to keep the grin from my face.
Posted by Aeryn

Way to go Pens, you guys definitely deserve it!
Posted by Aeryn
I have been with him for almost 5 years. We've been through so much together. Could I bear to leave him? Then again, Beth needed someone there for her, and after all Koda was the perfect dog for the job. It would be so hard to give him up though, he wasn't just some dog that I had helped rehabilitate. I had been with him since he was a puppy. But Beth...
"Ugh!" I groan in frustration, my mind had been at war since this morning.
Beth and Zach had left before Sid came home. They said that they needed to be at home, which even though I was happy to have them, I agreed with.
"Okay, that's it!" Sid says putting papers he was looking at down and walking over to the couch where I was sitting, "Move over Sam." He says pushing the rottweiler to the other side of the couch.
"Tell me what's going on?"
" What do you mean?" I ask, suddenly taking interest in the pillow fabric in my lap.
"You," Sid says putting a hand under my chin so that I will look a him, "have something on your mind, something pretty big if you ask me."
"Really? And how do you know this?" I ask, with a brow raised.
"You mean besides the frustrated groan you let out while watching a trident commercial? Well, let's see. You have been biting you lips like you do when you are thinking, you have tapped the remote on the end of your nose, you have constantly been changing your sitting positions, you've cracked your knuckles like you do when your in deep thought..."
I sigh threading my fingers through my hair.
"And you've been playing with your hair," he chuckles stopping my hand from going any further.
"It's just. Well, you know Beth," I sigh.
"Yeah, I think I've met her before," Sid grins sarcastically.
"Very funny smart ass," I smile, "I meant the robbery. She's home alone a lot of nights with Zach working the night shift and plus she's got a baby on the way. After this, she needs some one around. And I can't be over there every night and once the baby comes she can't travel over here all the time."
"So what were you thinking?" Sid asks.
"Well, when my dad worked the night shift my mom got a dog," I begin
"So get Beth a dog," he shrugs.
"It's not that simple," I sigh, my fingers coming up to rub my temples.
"Of course not, you're a dog trainer. I should have seen this being a big deal," he smiles.
"It is a big deal!" I say looking up at him.
"I know! So what are you thinking? You really haven't gotten to that part yet," he smiles.
"Well, with the baby on the way it would take too much of her time to get a shelter dog, or get a puppy. So I thought of giving her Sam, but he's too high energy, especially with a baby on the way," I sigh.
"So..." Sid says quietly, knowing that I'm on a break through.
"So... I think I'm going to give Koda to her," I sigh, feeling a lump in my throat.
"Why Koda?" he asks gently, rubbing my arm.
"Well... he is a big dog, which I think would make Beth more comfortable. He's good with kids, obedient, low maintenance," I say a tear breaking loose, "he's the perfect dog for the job."
"Shhh...babe..." Sidney says pulling me into him, I sigh as I feel another ear streak down my cheek. "You don't have to give him up, he is your dog after all."
"But I do. It's the best thing for Beth, and Koda loves them. Plus it's not like I would never get to see him. I could still take him to work with me if need be, it's just he won't be here anymore. It'll just be hard, he's been with me through a lot. He's part of the reason I'm so success ful. With out him, I would never be where I am today."
"I know babe, but like you said, it's not like you won't ever see him again," he murmurs into my hair.
"Yeah, I know'.
"Caitlin, you don't have to do this."
"Yeah. Yeah Sid I do," I sigh into his chest.
I pull into Beth's drive way, Koda and Bran in the back seat. I knew Zach had taken today off, so they would both be home. Plus, in all honesty, this would be eating me alive until I gave Koda to them. I walk up to the front door and ring the door bell. Moments later Beth appears, still looking a little worried, but she seems to relax when she sees me.
"I told you, we will be fine," Beth smiles letting me in the house. Luckily most of it was cleaned up. "Hi Koda and Bran"
"I know, I know. But that's not why I came. Where's Zach? I need to talk to the both of you," I say, a little unsure of how they would take this. Beth gives Bran a pat on the head while petting Koda.
"I'm right here, what's up?" he says walking into the living room where we have sat down.
"Alright... um... how do I start," I say rubbing my temples again.
"Caitlin are you ok?" Beth asks concerned.
"Yeah, fine," I mumble, "Ok, I would like to give you guys a gift. I've thought about it before, well not this specific gift, but in light of what just happened."
"Caitlin, you don't have to get us anything..." Zach begins.
"I'd like to give you Koda,"I sigh, just wanting to get it out there in the open.
"Caitlin! I..."Beth says speechless as she turns to Zach, both of their eyes wide in surprise.
"Just listen for a minute. I know that you gave Koda to me as a birthday present, and Koda and I have been through a lot together. But, I know that you are not going to feel safe or be 100% safe here at night Beth, when Zach is off working. So I thought about it on my jog today, getting you a dog I mean, and right now the best option for you is Koda. He's big, he's relaxed, good with kids, and he loves you guys. Koda will be great for when you have the baby, and he's big enough to keep you safe and comfort you when you need it. Plus, I can always take him in the day, or when ever you need me to for what ever reason,"I say getting it all out there.
"Caitlin... we can't just take one of your dogs..."Beth says struggling to find the right words.
"Beth, I know you gave Koda to me, and he's not one of my rescue dogs, but this is my job. Rehabilitating dogs and finding families that need them. And right now you need Koda," I say strongly.
"I would feel a lot better knowing that there was someone else here," Beth admits.
"As would I," Zach says, "Especially with the baby coming."
"Then it's settled. Koda is now your dog," I say with a slight smile.
"Well...when do we..." Zach hesitates.
"If you want, I have all of his stuff with me, so he can move right in. I figured since you will be going back to work tomorrow night."
"Alright, but Caitlin are you sure?" Beth says with that worried look on her face.
"I'm positive Beth. Right now this is for the best. But would it be ok, if I still took him to work with me, I mean once you go back to work?"I ask.
"Of Course! Anytime you need him, or just want to see him come on over,"Beth says.
I nod and head out the door to my car. With Zach's help I bring in all of Koda's things, his bed, toys, some food, his bowls...
Everything is in the house and we all stand on the front porch. It's time for me to leave.
"Well kid, I'm gonna miss you not being around all the time," I smile bending down to his level, "Now you be good for Beth and Zach, and the baby when it comes. I'll still see you a lot."
I bite my lips to hold back the tears and give Koda a hug. I pull away and licks my nose in understanding.
"Alright, guys," I sigh standing back up and wiping tears from my eyes, "I'll see you all later."
"Bye Cait, and thank you so much," Beth cries giving me a hug.
"See ya later Bud," I say ruffling Koda's fur, "Come on Bran let's go."
I walk to the car with Bran by my side, to my surprise Koda doesn't try to follow he just stands by Beth and watches me leave, as if he knows that he is supposed to stay.
I drive home, wiping the tears out of my eyes when need be. As I pull into my street, I find cars lining my drive way and Sid's. Must be a boys night.
I walk in my front door to be greeted by the sound of video game and yelling hockey players, the smell of chinese and pizza, and am pulled into the arms of one of my best friends.
"Hey Ace, I heard about Koda. How are you feeling?" his deep voice asks, I can feel the vibration of it as my head is pressed to his upper chest.
"I'll be ok Kris. I'll still get to see him a lot, so I'll be ok,"I smile, Tanger always made me feel better.
"Good," he smiles down at me.
"So you want to bring me up to speed here," I laugh gesturing to the mass of hockey players in my house.
"Well, we ordered Chinese and Pizza, and I'm sure there is beer still left in the kitchen. Ummm... let's see. Pokers in the dining room, wii fit, and I think they pulled out LIFE on the coffee table," he chuckles.
"Poker it is, thanks Tanger," I say standing on tip toes to kiss his cheek.
"Go get 'em Ace," he laughs as he heads over to play wii and I head to the dining room.
I walk into find, Army, Max, Flower, Orps, and Bugsy at a my table, which was littered with cards, chips, pizza crusts, and some beer bottles. I am hit by uncontrollable laughter as I see that Flash is sitting on Colby's lap watching the poker game.
"Hey Ace!" they greet.
"Colby, why is my dog on your lap?" I ask getting over my laughter.
"Because he's been a good luck charm for me!" he says holding up his hands.
"What ever. And the pizza crusts, I mean really guys," I say picking pizza crusts off the table,
"This is a house full of dogs, just give it to them." I toss a pizza crust to Flash.
"Ok, now that that's settled, what are we playin?" I ask, sitting down at the table.
Later that night, after everyone went home, I walk up to my room and get ready for bed. I sigh loudly as I fall in bed next to Sidney. He laughs and pulls me close to him.
"Are you feeling better?" he asks, looking down at me.
"Yeah, I am. I mean, I really miss not having Koda around, but he's with Beth, so I'll see him all the time. And after Beth goes back to work, he'll come with me to work everyday."
"I'm glad you're feeling better. I heard you cleaned out the boys to night," Sid chuckles against my shoulder.
"Eh, they could have folded if they wanted to," I shrug with a smirk.
"They should have known, I mean after all they were playing with the Ace of poker," he grins.
"Damn right!" I grin.
He laughs before connecting his lips with mine. His lips press against my lips and I feel his tongue worm it's way between my lips to dance with mine. After some effort, I pull away after a moment and his lips find my neck.
"I didn't get to tell you thanks," I smile, my fingers threading through his hair.
"For what?" he murmurs against my skin.
"For inviting all they guys over to help cheer me up," I grin as he pulls away to look at me.
"I don't know what your talking about," he says seriously, but I can see the smile in his eyes.
"Ok, they just all decided to show up?"
"Must have," he mumbles his lips finding their way back to mine before he rolls over and turning out the light. I snuggle into him and we both begin to drift off to sleep.
"Sidney?"I ask quietly.
"Yeah?" he whispers back.
"Thank you."
"Your welcome babe," he whispers, kissing my forehead.
Posted by Aeryn